Sunday, February 1, 2009


I've been going to many museums these days. Last week I went to the natural history museum. Yesterday I was at the awesome transport museum. See the pattern? Today I stayed home and watched the snow fall. Yes, snow in London. I know it's crazy, but apparently global warming is affecting the gulf stream (which is the only thing keeping England from freezing), and so if this continues and the gulf stream gets colder or whatever, we will get snow. I'll make it simpler.
Global warming + Gulf Stream + England's Rain = State College. Get it now? Good, I'm tired of typing. Oh, yeah, I forgot about school! There's this super cute little 4-year-old named Janice and I always play with her. She's Japanese. I love little cute toddlers. They make me happy. What about you? I'm also drawing portraits as a fundraiser for a thing my school is doing. Well, I have to go now, I think Rosie is out of the bath; I'm on her computer. Miss you all!!!! xoxo!!!!!!

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